A Retractable Loading Platform is an efficient loading platform. Not only can it be stacked vertically, but it can also be rolled in and out as opposed to the Standard platform that must be staggered and reinforced to the next floor.
The retractable crane loading platform is a common type of loading platform that can be moved in or out to fit the size of the vehicle. This makes loading and unloading goods from trucks easier without getting on the truck bed or using a ladder.
This loading platform is useful in warehouses and distribution centres where many vehicles come and go. It saves space, makes accidents less likely, and cuts down on the cost of maintenance.
This loading platform is used for high-grade constructions on-site as it is more time-saving and versatile. It maximises the amount of work that can be done in a single project.
There are many benefits of hiring a retractable loading platform for your business.
Safety is the most important benefit of hiring a retractable loading platform. It can help prevent accidents and injuries in your warehouse or factory. When workers use a ladder to reach high shelves, they risk falling and injuring themselves. A retractable loading platform can help eliminate this danger by allowing them to load and unload heavy items without climbing up ladders or stairs.
Another benefit of hiring a retractable loading platform is efficiency. It allows workers to access all areas of their warehouse or factory quickly and efficiently transport goods from one location to another without having to waste time climbing up and down ladders or stairs. This reduces the time it takes them to complete their tasks, which leads to an increase in productivity.
Moreover, fixed safety harness points on SuperDeck® construction platform rentals allow units to be stacked vertically and rolled in and out as needed instead of being staggered in the traditional deck configuration. This increases material handling efficiency by making it easier for crane ropes and loads to move, making crane operation faster, safer, and less expensive.
Hiring our retractable loading platforms is great for small businesses that need to transport goods but do not want to invest large investments into expensive equipment. They are also ideal for companies needing portable access solutions for their employees and customers.
You don’t need to worry about having bulky machinery sitting around your warehouse if you use a retractable loading platform instead! This type of equipment is easily movable and can be stored away when not in use.
Forty years after Preston Rentals first introduced its retractable loading platform system, SuperDeck® loading platforms have been the best choice for building projects worldwide. It was designed to facilitate the handling of items, particularly on multi-level construction projects. This Preston Rentals innovation offers a ‘drawer-like’ loading platform system that has greatly boosted safety and reduced crane operation time for customers all around the world.
When choosing the right loading platform for your needs, you want to ensure that they have sufficient capacity to bear the total weight of your materials and that they’re safe to use. There are different factors that can affect your project. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure you choose the right kind for your needs.
At Preston Rentals, we’re proud to offer the world’s best loading platform system for rent. Our patented loading deck system, called SuperDeck®, has a better retractable crane loading platform than any other system. SuperDeck® has been the first choice for major construction projects worldwide for more than 40 years. It was made to make moving materials easier, especially on construction sites with more than one floor.
Check out our range of SuperDeck® loading platforms here. Our team of experts can advise you on the best model for your needs.